Clean up on Child Four!

I was in the depths focused bookeeping when Howard called out “Clean up on Child Four!” I looked up and as soon as my brain detangled from numbers enough to decipher what Howard had actually said I busted out laughing. Patches was indeed in need of a clean up. He’d obviously been rolling in our pile of lawn clippings because he had grass everywhere. Since he’d had a post-halloween sucker this morning and a runny nose, much of the grass was stuck. Patches seemed rather bewildered with all the grass and parental attention. But he thought getting to run around in just diapers while mommy found clean clothes was pretty cool. Time to do laundry again.

4 thoughts on “Clean up on Child Four!”

  1. When Patches walked into my office I was struck by a smell I can only describe as “lawnmower-flavored lollipop.” It was so completely out-of-place with the rain, snow, and general pre-winter we’ve had recently that I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what he’d gotten into.

  2. *snicker* I can just imagine.

    The joys of parenthood. Did you get any pictures to use as blackmail material when he starts dating?

    Thanks for the chuckles.

  3. Yep I remember days like that…

    David who is 17 now was about 4 when I decided to paint the wendy house, it started as a solitary job, then David cried “can I help …” so we found some old clothes and a extra paint brush, you can tell where this is going right, yep he was soon covered in red paint, Chris took some photos for the album but this is one of those erasable memories that just sits in your head, Sandra thanks for recalling this for me. Happy days…..

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