Many Thanks

Two days ago I filled up my amazon wish list. Today it is nigh empty. I’ve got somewhere in the range of 20 packages coming. My mailman is going to hate me.

It seems unbelievable that so many people I’ve never met would send me stuff. . . . and yet it isn’t. The schlockers that I have met both online and in person have been wonderful, kind people. In less than 24 hours they changed my upcoming birthday from the smallest birthday ever, into the biggest birthday ever. I was prepared to be happy with a homemade birthday cake and my kids singing to me. (out of tune) Instead I get gifts, and more important that the gifts themselves is the evidence that there are lots of people out there who are rooting for the success of our “living on cartooning” endeavor.

“Thank You” doesn’t seem to say enough, but they’re the only words I have.

7 thoughts on “Many Thanks”

  1. And yet…

    And yet not only do we not think you need to say the words, we wish we could do more…

    Happy upcoming B-Day, Lady o’ Schlock…

  2. “Paparazzi” shares far too many letters with “Pizza” and “Pepperoni.” These guys would be deep-dished faster than you can ask “This pie was supposed to feed HOW many people?”

  3. You’re welcome, of course.

    You’re my friend, after all, or at least I’d like to think of you as my friend, so I think that’s pretty darned important. Happy Birthday, and you’re welcome, always.

    Love, light, and laughter.

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