
I just checked my calendar. We’ve had sickness in the house since the first week of January. This rhinovirusocerous keeps trampling through knocking family members flat and then coming around for another pass. Howard has been knocked flat twice. I was knocked flat once and feel like I’m going down again. Kiki has been down twice. Patches three times. Gleek once. Link twice. I’m tired of winter. I want sunshine and warm weather so that we can all get outside and stop being sick.

Weather forcast for the next week: Cold, gray, rainy.

1 thought on “Rhinovirusocerous”

  1. hey, if you haven’t done it recently – change the filters in your house’s air system. It might help some. Fresh air is the best – but I live in Florida, where it’s rarely too cold to open the window for a few hours and air out the house. :-/ Eat lots of garlic, it helps! Gargling with warm salt water regularly might also help kill this thing off, but I can’t see the kids managing to gargle withour swallowing quite a bit of salt water (ew!) Good luck, hope it dies off and leaves you all healthy again!

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