Gleek’s Machines

I’m so glad to have my sabbath this week. I’m accustomed to attending church each Sunday. It is a time where I can feel peace and refocus my life on my true priorities. Last Sunday I was at Penguicon and I had none of those things. Today has been marvelous even though it hasn’t been without frustrating moments. Getting four kids up, fed, and dressed in church clothes before 9 am is always a challenge.

This morning Link was particularly recaltrant. He and I emerged from his room with him dressed and me grumpy. I told Howard “Well, I used to have a good mood.” Gleek overheard this comment and cheerfully told me “That’s okay Mommy, I’ll get you another one!” She then reached into an imaginary pocket and handed me a new good mood. Apparently she has a machine that makes them. It also makes hugs. She keeps it with her magic washing machine which washes away bad guys and bad dreams. Gleek knows how to make really good moods because it has lasted for the whole rest of the day.