Painted Dresser

I scored big at a garage sale today. I got there just as they were ready to be done sitting in the front yard. They said I could have anything that was left for free. I grabbed anything I thought might be useful. This included an old dresser. My boys need a new dresser in their room, but I am concerned that this dresser might have lead based paint on it. I’ve found lead test kits online, but they cost almost $20 which defeats the purpose of acquiring a dresser for free. I could paint the whole thing with a sealant just to be sure, but I suspect that won’t be cheap either. So, what I’m fishing for here is advice. Does anyone have expertise on the subject of old painted dressers that they’d care to share with me?

EDIT 6/1/05: Thanks to everyone who had suggestions. My county health department had test kits for $2 each. I swabbed the dresser and it tested clean. As a bonus I have an extra test on hand for the next time I acquire old furniture for free.