Convalescent Howard

Howard does not convalesce well. As soon as it is possible for him to move around he wants to be doing something. With this particular injury “doing something” is exactly what isn’t allowed. Howard is valiantly and druggedly trying to follow instructions even though the inactivity is nearly driving him crazy. He keeps wandering out the front door to go visit neighbors because he can’t stand to sit in the house convalescing. Visiting with neighbors is an approved activity because it doesn’t require shoulder or arm movement. And I’d much rather have him visiting than sitting and staring at the walls like a nursing home inmate. I tried to give him first dibs on the new Harry Potter book, but he wasn’t able to focus enough to enjoy reading.

This morning Howard has yet to take any narcotics. He wants to be lucid for his doctor’s appointment in 3 hours. This means he is back to his usual articulate humor. It makes me glad. I miss him when he’s not here. Unfortunately it also means he is in pain. Hopefully we’ll get some more definite information out of the doctor today.

2 thoughts on “Convalescent Howard”

  1. Random suggestions:

    * Storytelling to the kids?

    * Scripting future Schlock (possibly by tape recorder in order to avoid typing)

    * One-armed cartwheels (uh, maybe not)

    * Audiobooks (your local library may have some if you don’t want to purchase them)

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