miserable day

7:05 pm. What a long miserable day this has been.

Patches cannot eat because his mouth and throat hurt too badly. I took him to the doctor this morning. The doctor took one look at his throat, didn’t bother to do a strep test and gave me antibiotics. Unfortunately after 12 hours the antibiotics have had zero effect and Patches has developed blister like sores in his mouth. Some asking around netted me the information that Utah is currently suffering an outbreak of Hand Foot and Mouth disease. HFM is a virus which can’t be treated, it can only be endured, and it lasts for about a week. This is going to be a long long miserable week. Patches is starvingly hungry and can’t eat. He doesn’t even want to drink because his mouth hurts. So we have hunger cranky along with pain cranky. Talking hurts, so he can’t tell me what he wants. On top of all that every time he falls asleep he swallows and the pain wakes him back up. So we have tired cranky as well.

Patches hates this. He is very angry with me because I have failed to fix it already. He also desparately wants me to comfort him. He feels the same way about his blanket which he alternately clutches and throws across the room. Advil and Tylenol seem to only be of minimal help. Distraction seems to be the best medecine available to us, so it has been a day of movies.

To add to the joy of today, all the minutes I’ve spent not taking care of Patches have been spent down in my office wading through piles of bills, reciepts, and quarterly reports. We’ve gone back to more money going out than coming in. I knew we would until the release of the next book, but I still don’t like it.

Now I need to completely sanitize myself and make dinner for all the other kids without playing the part of Typhoid Mary. If other kids get this monster I’ll spend the rest of the summer in misery.

18 thoughts on “miserable day”

  1. Ice and all things Ice related

    if you can get ensure put it in the freezer for 20 min and pour over ice a straw placed at the back of the mouth may be able to help it get down. (that is if patchs is old enough to drink with a straw)

    I had thrush so bad they put me in the hospital, and this is part of what they sugested.

    dehydration is horrid I hope the little one is better soon


  2. Ice and all things Ice related

    if you can get ensure put it in the freezer for 20 min and pour over ice a straw placed at the back of the mouth may be able to help it get down. (that is if patchs is old enough to drink with a straw)

    I had thrush so bad they put me in the hospital, and this is part of what they sugested.

    dehydration is horrid I hope the little one is better soon


  3. ALso…

    Perhpas the oral sprays for sore throats might work…

    Assuming, of course, they contain nothing prohibited… Other than than, I can mere offer my deep sympathies, and suggest very cold apple juice…

    Poor kid,…

  4. ALso…

    Perhpas the oral sprays for sore throats might work…

    Assuming, of course, they contain nothing prohibited… Other than than, I can mere offer my deep sympathies, and suggest very cold apple juice…

    Poor kid,…

  5. Two things – one a help, another a cure-ish. For the mouth sores, anyway.

    1)Chloroseptic (sp) Spray. Numbs the sores long enough to eat/drink.

    2)Amosan Powder – made by Oral B. Mix the powder with warm water, rinse for 10-30 seconds, SPIT OUT. Repeat. Don’t eat for 20 minutes. It helps heal the sores quickly, like salt water, but doesn’t sting. Well, maybe a little, but if you use the spray first, it won’t. I get canker sores all the time, and my doctor suggested this stuff. VERY helpful.

  6. Two things – one a help, another a cure-ish. For the mouth sores, anyway.

    1)Chloroseptic (sp) Spray. Numbs the sores long enough to eat/drink.

    2)Amosan Powder – made by Oral B. Mix the powder with warm water, rinse for 10-30 seconds, SPIT OUT. Repeat. Don’t eat for 20 minutes. It helps heal the sores quickly, like salt water, but doesn’t sting. Well, maybe a little, but if you use the spray first, it won’t. I get canker sores all the time, and my doctor suggested this stuff. VERY helpful.

  7. When I was a kid, I had horrible problems with throat infections. all kinds.

    I remember the only thing that really worked for me was warm water. Slightly on the hot side, to be honest. It was less of a shock to the pain-y places and for whatever reason easier to swallow – even after a tonsilectomy (which sucked, because holy moly did I ever want to have ice cream and popsicles.)

  8. When I was a kid, I had horrible problems with throat infections. all kinds.

    I remember the only thing that really worked for me was warm water. Slightly on the hot side, to be honest. It was less of a shock to the pain-y places and for whatever reason easier to swallow – even after a tonsilectomy (which sucked, because holy moly did I ever want to have ice cream and popsicles.)

  9. Oh no! I hope he gets over it quick!

    Now I’m scared to go to the grocery store – it seems like that’s where Pan picks up his germs. And the Cub Scouts are coming over today for the first time in 2 weeks…

    *crosses her fingers that nobody gets her kids sick*

  10. Oh no! I hope he gets over it quick!

    Now I’m scared to go to the grocery store – it seems like that’s where Pan picks up his germs. And the Cub Scouts are coming over today for the first time in 2 weeks…

    *crosses her fingers that nobody gets her kids sick*

  11. Oh yeah, and when I got blisters in my throat from massively bad reflux, my doctor had me mix liquid benadryl and mylanta half and gargle, swish, and spit. It helps with the throat pain, and coats the sores for just long enough to swallow something comfortably.

  12. Oh yeah, and when I got blisters in my throat from massively bad reflux, my doctor had me mix liquid benadryl and mylanta half and gargle, swish, and spit. It helps with the throat pain, and coats the sores for just long enough to swallow something comfortably.

  13. For the not talking and wanting to request things, can you get him to draw what he wants? Or pantomime it – might be able to make a game of Charades out of it. Or you could draw things on index cards and keep them handy for the next time someone has laryngitis.

    Glad to hear he’s doing better though. 🙂

  14. For the not talking and wanting to request things, can you get him to draw what he wants? Or pantomime it – might be able to make a game of Charades out of it. Or you could draw things on index cards and keep them handy for the next time someone has laryngitis.

    Glad to hear he’s doing better though. 🙂

  15. It’s a bit late, but what about milkshakes? They shouldn’t hurt a sore throat and, unless he’s having tummy troubles too, at least put something on his stomach.

  16. It’s a bit late, but what about milkshakes? They shouldn’t hurt a sore throat and, unless he’s having tummy troubles too, at least put something on his stomach.

  17. Sore throats

    Warm jello….mix it up just like normal, only drink it instead of putting it in the fridge to gel. It’s very soothing!

  18. Sore throats

    Warm jello….mix it up just like normal, only drink it instead of putting it in the fridge to gel. It’s very soothing!

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