Toast and my day

This morning Gleek fixed her own cinnamonsugar toast. She was very proud of this accomplishment and announced it in a loud voice. Patches instantly cried “I want toast! I want to fix my toast!” and ran for the bread cupboard. He retrieved a slice of bread and placed it on the counter. I slid a plate underneath and then observed with amusment as he created a sculpted landscape out of soft butter. He then placed a cinnamonsugar mountain in the middle of his landscape and announced “I did it!” He then ate his creation with relish.

I’m hoping that I can take a page from Patches book and create something that I’m pleased with, that I can consume with relish. Only I don’t want toast, I just want a really good day. Yesterday was not such a good day.

8 thoughts on “Toast and my day”

  1. Yesterday…bad day?

    What happened yesterday? I hope today is better. I’ve enjoyed reading your LJ and appreciate your gift of sharing words, experiences and memories. I’ve followed your LJ for several months now and I agree with you so much…. Just thought you might like to know you are admired!

  2. Yesterday…bad day?

    What happened yesterday? I hope today is better. I’ve enjoyed reading your LJ and appreciate your gift of sharing words, experiences and memories. I’ve followed your LJ for several months now and I agree with you so much…. Just thought you might like to know you are admired!

  3. Re: Yesterday…bad day?

    I spent 90% of yesterday sewing yards of orange fabric to create a backdrop and table cloths for a convention booth. During that sewing time I ignored the children. They paid me back in the evening by being extra cranky. Then Howard left for a week long convention trip.

    Thank you for the kind words. It’s nice to know that my blog means something to others as well as to me.

  4. Re: Yesterday…bad day?

    I spent 90% of yesterday sewing yards of orange fabric to create a backdrop and table cloths for a convention booth. During that sewing time I ignored the children. They paid me back in the evening by being extra cranky. Then Howard left for a week long convention trip.

    Thank you for the kind words. It’s nice to know that my blog means something to others as well as to me.

  5. Re: Yesterday…bad day?

    You’re welcome for the kind words…I mean them!

    Did you get the backdrop and tablecloths finished in time? We always seem to pay for time we spend focused away from our children. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, and worth it, other times we regret it!

  6. Re: Yesterday…bad day?

    You’re welcome for the kind words…I mean them!

    Did you get the backdrop and tablecloths finished in time? We always seem to pay for time we spend focused away from our children. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, and worth it, other times we regret it!

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