mediocre musings upon today

The last few days have been full of phone calls, most of which have been telemarketers. These calls always interrupt something and then it takes me a minute or more to recollect myself and get going again. I’ve been wishing they would stop. This afternoon they magically did. Of course they also took my dial tone and internet connectivity. I was facing the dilemma of needing to use a phone to inform my phone company that my line is broken. Fortunately I have a cell phone. The outage lasted about 3 hours. That was about 21 hours less than the customer support tech led me to believe. This is good. Without internet connectivity I can’t see when Howard posts new stuff to his blog.

Howard called me this evening. Apparently Comic Con is going really well. We may actually profit from this venture. I did not expect that at all. I’d actually budgeted for a sizable loss from his attendance at Comic Con. Profit is much better. It always makes me antsy when I watch our financial reserves dwindle. Howard sounded tired but cheerful. I wanted to keep him on the phone and just talk. I miss having him here to talk to. Unfortunately he was too busy to chat for very long. Sigh.

There are only 5 weeks of summer vacation left. During that span I need to get bedtime back to an earlier schedule. The last couple of nights I’ve let the kids all stay up until dusk. Then I look at the clock and realized that it’s 9:15 and all of them should theoretically already be in bed. This happens every summer. Every summer I plan to get bedtime settled at an earlier time. Every summer I fail to do so and we simply have to readjust once school starts. I’m both excited and aprehensive about school starting again. I both love and hate the schedule it imposes.

I keep sitting here hoping that brilliance will strike me, that suddenly I’ll remember an event from the day that I can craft into a clever anecdote or a useful insight. It appears that all of my creative brilliance went into this morning’s completion of a story draft. It makes me a little sad. I really like to have fun entries here when Howard is gone so that he can read them and think of us. Today all he really gets are a couple of mediocre musings and me wistfully missing him. Hi honey, I love you!

14 thoughts on “mediocre musings upon today”

  1. Y’know, it probably makes him feel good to know that after all these years, you still wistfully miss him after just a day or so.

    I’m trying to move bedtime up here, too.. but who am I kidding? The boy just isn’t tired enough any earlier, and won’t be, until he’s worn out by the full days ahead.

  2. Y’know, it probably makes him feel good to know that after all these years, you still wistfully miss him after just a day or so.

    I’m trying to move bedtime up here, too.. but who am I kidding? The boy just isn’t tired enough any earlier, and won’t be, until he’s worn out by the full days ahead.

  3. We’ve been on the no call list ever since it first existed. And yet I still regularly get calls from dish network, newspapers, and hotel chains offering me “free” vacations. They’re all recordings so I can’t tell them never to call again. It is very frustrating.

  4. We’ve been on the no call list ever since it first existed. And yet I still regularly get calls from dish network, newspapers, and hotel chains offering me “free” vacations. They’re all recordings so I can’t tell them never to call again. It is very frustrating.

  5. Without internet connectivity I can’t see when Howard posts new stuff to his blog.

    Does your cellphone do GPRS or something similar? I find mine very handy for checking on quick things (like “Has Howard posted to his blog yet?”) when I’m away from a real internet connection. It’s very expensive compared to other forms of connectivity, but for a couple of pages now and again even that cost is trivially small.

    If it isn’t any extra on the contract (mine just charges for the data transferred) it might be worth setting up for just this kind of situation.

  6. Without internet connectivity I can’t see when Howard posts new stuff to his blog.

    Does your cellphone do GPRS or something similar? I find mine very handy for checking on quick things (like “Has Howard posted to his blog yet?”) when I’m away from a real internet connection. It’s very expensive compared to other forms of connectivity, but for a couple of pages now and again even that cost is trivially small.

    If it isn’t any extra on the contract (mine just charges for the data transferred) it might be worth setting up for just this kind of situation.

  7. Yeah, I can imagine how that’d be incredibly frustrating. I mostly just get calls from charities anymore, though I get those recordings once in a while. I figured with as internet savvy as both of you are, you probably were on the list, but it never hurts to check. Some people still haven’t heard of it.

  8. Yeah, I can imagine how that’d be incredibly frustrating. I mostly just get calls from charities anymore, though I get those recordings once in a while. I figured with as internet savvy as both of you are, you probably were on the list, but it never hurts to check. Some people still haven’t heard of it.

  9. Oh, sure. But he gets naps at the sitter’s, and just catches up there. At school, he’ll be going earlier and be much busier. I’m not overly worried about it; a couple of slightly grumpy days, and he’ll adapt just fine, to be sure.

  10. Oh, sure. But he gets naps at the sitter’s, and just catches up there. At school, he’ll be going earlier and be much busier. I’m not overly worried about it; a couple of slightly grumpy days, and he’ll adapt just fine, to be sure.

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