computer ponderings

Last night Howard and I began discussing buying a new computer for me since my old one is threatening catastrophic failure. We debated the various benefits and drawbacks of laptops and desktops. Both had features that I liked. Neither one completely fit the bill, but replacing the desktop was obviously the sensible solution. As a joke I said to Howard that what would be perfect would be if I could have two computers. Wonderful man that he is, Howard seriously considered this as an option. I don’t need fancy machines, just workhorses. It looks like we can get both for around $800. And since I do all the accounting and shipping for our business, the desktop one can be a business expense.

I have never in my life owned a computer purchased just for me. For most of my life I’ve shared machines. The two times I had a computer of my own, they were older machines that someone else just didn’t need anymore. Now I’m staring at the prospect of not one, but two computers just for me. It seems unbelievable. Part of me is giggling with glee at the prospect. A large part of me feels like the laptop would be frivolous spending since I’ve gotten by without one for a long time. Of course I’ve wanted one for a long time too.

None of our money is really “spare” right now, but we’ve found $800 that isn’t imediately needed for something else. Now I am pondering on the question: Six months from now, will I be happy I spent on a laptop, or will I consider it money poorly spent?