Day all gone

Today slipped away from me somewhere. For most of the day I forgot to check my list and remember the chores that I’d assigned myself. Partly this was due to a need to catch up on sleep. Another part was due to straining my left side lower back yesterday. The twinges kept me moving slowly and carefully all day. Fortunately the discomfort is measurably better now than it was at this time last night. A couple more days will have me back to normal. In the future I’ll try not to balance quite so many library books simultaneously.

Another reason for the ignoring of the task-list is that my brain has been spinning potential stories all day. I finally got the invitation to submit from Julie Czerneda. I should have gotten it two weeks ago, but apparently the email went astray somewhere. Since yesterday I’ve been trying to feed my subconscious lots of material relating to the topic, hoping that something will click. Right now I’ve got mental sketches of two possible stories. I’ve only got until May 15 to write, revise, and submit. I’m not accustomed to working that fast. I hope I can pull it off without completely neglecting other things.