Much better now

This morning dawned with the same sense of low energy and futility. It is atypical for me to remain in that sort of mood for more than a day. This morning was the beginning of the third day. Interestingly last week was spring break for the kids. I know I skipped my thyroid medication at least one of those days. It might have been more. Lack of schedule does that to me. I have a theory that the lingering mood is in part biochemical. The good news is that I have finally shaken it off. I finished the draft on my major re-write. That really helped too.

Then Link and his car went to the pinewood derby. As I expected, Link’s car was just about the slowest one out there. In it’s first two heats it didn’t even make it to the end of the track. Link was beginning to look sad, but a dad pulled him aside, helped him adjust the wheels, and put some graphite powder on them. The car ran much better after that. But Link didn’t really begin to have fun until he was knocked out of the official running. Then he switched over to the spare track where the only point was to run around and run the car down as many times as possible. He had a great time with that. I think the over all experience was a positive one because he wants to make another car so that he and Kiki can have races.

Then came the girls camp meeting. Kiki sat rapt with attention to learn all the things she will need to take to camp. Gleek and Patches were marvelously good for this. I was glad because they were the only small children at the meeting.

Now tomorrow I need to weather multiple performances of truncated Shakespeare plays put on by self conscious sixth graders.