Turkey for dinner

Every year as we approach Thanksgiving, Kiki demands to know if we’ll be having turkey this year. Apparently she was permanently emotionally scarred by that one year that we chose to have a ham instead of a turkey. The ham Thanksgiving was 7 years ago now, but still she announces to visitors that we almost never have turkey for Thanksgiving. In the minds of my kids turkey is this amazing food that we almost never get to have. We did have turkey last Thanksgiving, but according to the kids, that didn’t count because we didn’t cook it at our house.

So in an effort to appease my children, and to create space in my freezer, I cooked a turkey dinner today. Since I was going to take the trouble to roast a 12 pound bird, I decided to go all out and do a full Thanksgiving style dinner complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and rolls. It was a lot of work, but the dinner was really yummy. This was my first effort at putting Sunday Dinner back on the schedule. It went well. It was nice to sit all of us down at the table with a table cloth and napkins. Next week we’ll see if we can get napkins onto laps and work on appropriate table conversation. Tonight’s dinner discussion included far too many bodily excretions to be considered polite.

Tomorrow I get to tackle Family Home Evening.