Growing Things

I became a gardener the Spring and Summer of 1999 while I was recovering from radiation therapy. The slow pace of gardening was perfect for me at that time. For the past nine years, gardening has been solely my pursuit. Howard likes the idea of growing food, but he’s too busy to make time for it. The kids have also liked having food and flowers growing, but they weren’t interested in doing any of the work. For whatever reason, this year is different. This past week as I’ve gone to do my outside hour, a child or two will show up at my side. They want to know what I’m doing and if they can help. So we sit together and talk a little. Whatever task I am doing it seems like I can find some way for a child to be helpful. I think perhaps the kids have recognized that unlike when I’m working in my office, when I am gardening, I am available. I’ll put down my weeds and push them on a swing. I’ll listen to what they have to say and give detailed answers to questions. I like being available to them this way. My hour of outside time is being good for us all. It creates a not-busy space in my day where my kids do not have to fight for my full attention. I’m not just growing plants, I’m growing relationships and minds.

2 thoughts on “Growing Things”

  1. Re: I don’t recall you ever mentioning before.

    The question is not at all inappropriate.

    The short version: In 1996 I discovered a lump under my chin. It was removed and declared to be benign, but aggressive. This meant that it would not metastasize, but if they did not get all of it, it would grow back. In 1998 I had it removed again. To avoid more re-growths and surgeries, we elected to irradiate the thing and kill it for good. January-March 1999 I did six weeks of daily radiation therapy. The radiation therapy was miserable, but I survived and the tumor did not. I count that as a win.

    If you want a much more detailed and angst-ridden version you can read the series of journal entries I did about the experience.

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