Month: June 2008

The cowardice of events.

To paraphrase Neil Gaiman: “Events are cowards. They don’t occur singly, but instead they run in packs and leap out at you all at once.”

I’ve noticed this tendency. There will be stretches of empty followed by three or four things needing my attention at once. This pattern holds true within a single day, or within a week, month, or year. When I read that quote, I just about laughed out loud. Then I had to come and put it here so I can find it again.

Whiny grouching about summer

Last Friday we had a joyous “School is out, let’s celebrate!” kind of a day. Today the reality of Summer Schedule has begun to sink in. I’m going to have to feed my children three meals per day instead of two (with the third being school lunch.) Oh and then there are all the snacks. and the guilt. If I let the kids play video games or watch movies all day, then I have to feel guilty about not providing enriching experiences. If I make them turn the TV off, then I am inundated with a chorus of bored and hungry children. The hungry is what really drives me crazy. I spend creative energy making food, then I have to argue about how much they eat. Then they’re hungry again because I couldn’t get them to eat enough.

I’m hoping that we’ll find a new rhythm quickly. I’m hoping we’ll find ways to keep us all occupied and get the necessary work done. Yesterday I was sure it would all work out. Today is a pessimistic day. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a fresh influx of optimism.