Successful Birthday Party

When Howard asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year. I answered that what I really want is to not feel stressed about bills. I would much rather have the money than presents this year. It is a true statement and yet I was still worried that I might feel sad or depressed when the day of my birthday arrived and there was little to mark the occasion. Howard fixed that quite effectively. He created a facebook event and invited lots of people to my virtual birthday party. The party isn’t fancy. Mostly it consists of people emailing me to wish me a happy birthday. It is really hard to feel depressed when my email box is buried in messages celebrating the fact that I was born 36 years ago today.

All of this started me thinking about gifts. Sometimes there are things that I want, a book, a movie, clothing. Sometimes I want these things very much. Usually when this is the case I arrange to acquire the things. But what I want from a gift is not really the thing in the package. For me the real gift is the acknowledgment that I matter, that I am valued. The thing in the package is a symbol of that, but isn’t strictly necessary. This year Howard gave me a marvelous gift. He wrangled a bunch of friends to reach out to me. He planned it all himself without me having to put forth any effort at all. Because of that it matters even more.

4 thoughts on “Successful Birthday Party”

  1. Happy Birthday!
    I’m sorry I wasn’t able to send you an email at the proper time today. My day consisted of fighting off a migraine ’round about 10 am. At that point I wasn’t able to think straight until later tonight. That was really nice of Howard to get that party set up. Glad it cheered you. I hope your week goes as well as your birthday!

    Mark Daymont

  2. birthday presents

    I totally agree about the birthday presents. While it is so fun to open something, much more fulfilling is that someone remembered me and thinks I’m worth doing something special for. This year my parents made dinner for me and we had a wonderful evening talking and laughing and eating. The thoughtful presents were just the cherry on top. Happy Birthday, Sandra, and many more!

  3. Happy belated birthday. I’m glad you had an enjoyable one. A virtual party sounds perfect; you get lots of well wishes and the opportunity to savor them at your own speed.

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