CONduit 2009 Day Two

My events are done. The reading did not really happen because my presentation took up the entire hour, which was fine. I started the hour with only two attendees, but had gathered an additional four by the time I was done. So instead of the nervewracking packed room, I had an initially nervewracking small crowd, which turned out to be a nice size for a discussion later. I think the presentation went well, but I have some solid ideas for how to make it better next time. The same is true of the two Howard and Sandra panels.

The launch party was a huge success despite the fact that I left a critical box at home. We did not have our bag of change, our box cutter, or the numbered stamp for sketched editions. Fortunately we managed to scrounge up enough small bills to make change and just made do for the rest. It worked. The pizza arrived on schedule. For an hour or more, I was so busy helping customers, that there was no time for me to supervise the food at all. We are extremely fortunate that the wonderful Christie showed up and said “How can I help?” She stayed by my side and was an extra pair of hands for me through out the busy hours. Things wound down after a bit and I had time to visit with people. That is always the best bit. Getting to know all the amazing people who come to these events. We will have pictures sometime next week because Stacy Whitman showed up and volunteered to be our photographer.

Now I am tired, but it is a calm and happy tired. Everything went well. The presentations went well. The panels went well. I got to say useful things in front of other people. Next I get to throw my luggage into the van and head home. There I will find my kids who may or may not be in bed asleep. I will also find the dishes and laundry that I didn’t do before I left. But that’s fine. I’ve got two huge events completely taken care of. I have another two weeks to organize for the next big event. (The shipping party.) Further events will not happen until later in the summer. Which is good. Tomorrow is my day off.