Preparation for the Shipping Days

The big business task for the next two weeks is preparations for the shipping party. It will be taking place Monday June 8th and continuing into Tuesday June 9th if we don’t finish on the first day. The last two shipping events were complete in a single day, but I always schedule the spare day just in case. One of the tasks for today is writing up a blog post for Howard’s front page with all the details including times and contact information.

Rounding up volunteers is one piece. Another is the collection of shipping supplies. This is mostly done. The supplies will need to be hauled to Dragon”s Keep, but that is a chore for the morning of the event. Most of what remains is organization of invoices, postage, and inventory. The biggest difference this time is that I have hired help with the organization. It makes a huge difference. For example, I’m sitting here blogging about preparing for shipping rather than sitting glued to my computer printing out postage. Someone else is sitting at the computer processing the lists. I feel strangely guilty about that. It feels as if I am ducking a responsibility somehow. Instead of printing postage, I’ve been handling email, cleaning up my neglected house, and counting inventory to make sure we have all the pieces we need. It feels good, almost relaxed. This is very different from the frantic, stressed hurry that I usually feel. Apparently I was trying to do too much. Go figure.