Bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day

This morning there was yelling, and flailing, and running around in a panic, and objects hit in anger. All of that was just from me, though throughout the day my kids have exhibited similar proclivities. It is that kind of day. Yesterday was lovely. I want to flee back into yesterday. Instead I just have to muscle through today, trying to hack through some of the tasks which are causing me stress. I really need to lock myself in my office and work uninterrupted for hours. Unfortunately summers are made of interruption, or maybe kids are, same difference when they’re home all day. By 5 pm I had succeeded in clearing my desk of all accounting. Gleek called me upstairs for a “surprise.” Such surprises can be anything from a slug, to all-over marker body art, to a new hair cut for a stuffed animal, to a new trick on the trampoline, to a yarn creation, to a picture. Today it was this:

It is not a Peace Rose, but it is giant. I could cup it in both hands and bury my stresses in fragrance. The stem of the rose was wobbly and the petals were threatening to fall off, all signs that this rose had been part of little girl games for a significant portion of time before being gifted to me. We took it outside and I took pictures of Gleek with the rose. It is almost as big as her head. She showed me all her “fairy poses” and I took more pictures. Then she took the picture above of me holding the rose. Even in a crazy-stressy day we can find beauty by the handful.