Back from vacation, much to do

I have returned from camping. The laundry piles of epic proportions (and also epic stench) have been run through the machines. I worked my way through all the emails. I mailed all the packages. I organized the store so it is almost ready for Wednesday. I took kids to swim lessons. I discovered while at swim lessons that Gleek has a stomach flu. I tended Gleek, who lay limply on the couch for a significant portion of the afternoon before she began to bounce again. I bought new shorts for the kids whose shorts had all mysteriously vanished. I dropped two kids at space camp. I bought dinner. There are things yet to do, but I am no longer feeling so stressed I want to cry. Looks like I might be able to manage this week after all.

Tomorrow there will be accounting and more store organization. There will undoubtedly be more email. I might even catch up on blogs, LJ, and Facebook. Wednesday we begin to find out whether XDM and the Under New Management sketched editions will sell enough to keep us going through the next Schlock book release. I still have thoughts to unpack about huge extended family reunions and camping trips, but I think I’ve done enough for one day.