A pile of status updates

Our shipment of XDM X-Treme Dungeon Mastery books arrives today. I had to go rent a second storage unit to house them because the first unit is already full of inventory. I need to do some research on the cost of warehouse space. I’m pretty sure that the storage units are still cheaper per month, but I need to know where the tipping point is.

We’re getting another shipment of books next week. This will be historic since it is our first 2nd printing. We’ve almost sold out of Under New Management which is the first book we ever printed. The first printing was 5000 copies

No word on distribution deals. More waiting there.

My short story “Stories that Bind” is now available in print. A Time To… Volume 3: The Best of The Lorelei Signal 2008 is now on sale.

I now have three stories available at Anthology Builder, which makes me very happy. In the near future I’ll be putting together a custom anthology full of cool stories.

I’ve found fancy clothes to wear on Hugo Night at Worldcon. Now I just need jewelry to match and I need to drag Howard out to rent a tuxedo for the event. We’re both in a strange mental place where neither of us really believes he’ll win, but a tiny voice whispers “what if.” It doesn’t really matter, just getting nominated is amazing and we intend to dress up to celebrate.

I have been spending far more time as a publisher than as a writer lately. Hopefully life will slow down after the big August conventions.

Gleek is enjoying her trip away from home, but we’ll all be glad to have her back.

Summer is half gone and still chaotic. I’m already looking forward to the return of the school schedule, although I’ll miss staying up late and sleeping in.