Thinking ahead

I may have some time for writing in the next couple of weeks, but I’m a little afraid to do any. I’ve packed those pieces of myself rather like shoving a suitcase full and sitting on it to get the latches closed. I worry that if I open the suitcase, then the writing thoughts will explode and spill all over. This would be fine except that I only have a small space available. Most of my time in the next few weeks needs to go to family rather than writing. It is time for me to give the kids some of my creative attention to make sure that they don’t end the summer with a list of things not done. I’m eyeing my week at Worldcon and thinking that I may get to do some writing there. I’m also eyeing the start of school and planning to carve out space in the schedule.

Howard and I are already discussing plans for next year. We have to plan far in advance to make sure we have space for the large events. Right now we’re just planning with large brush strokes rather than fine detail. We have to wait and see what opportunities Worldcon and Gencon might create. We also have to plan carefully because we really need to be getting more books into print. We need to be putting out 2-3 Schlock books per year rather than just one. But we keep being presented with jump-on-it-now-or-lose-it opportunities. We have to start turning some of these down. We have to trust that today’s opportunities are not the only ones which will come our way.