Shipping XDM Tomorrow

The funny thin about avoidance is that you don’t realize you’re doing it until the fact is brought to your attention. At 5 pm when Howard looked around and said “Oh, we’re doing a shipping here tomorrow.” I realized that he was looking at the kitchen mess and wondering why I was sitting down playing a video game rather than frantically prepping for the shipping. This was when I realized that I had spent most of the day doing activities that let me ignore the fact that we’re going to be shipping books tomorrow. I think I somehow sensed that launching into high gear would have me stressfully spinning my wheels to no good effect. I will hit the ground running tomorrow. I will be high energy and social. Today I have been extremely low energy and introverted.

The book shipping is tomorrow. The shipment of books for GenCon goes out on Monday. After that I am free of major events. True I’ll go to Worldcon, but with no children to tend, no panels to prepare and no table to run, that feels more like a vacation than anything else. Howard will be working, but I will not. Howard will also be working GenCon while I will not. I will be at home re-establishing routine so that the kids can settle back into school. I am so close to being able to slow down I can taste it.