Cheerio adventure

Today Patches was happily rummaging in the pantry when he discovered a treasure, a great big jumbo-sized bag of cheerios. In Patches world, cheerios are the food-of-the-gods, so naturally he picked up the bag to get the happy out of it and into his mouth. Unfortunately he picked it up on the wrong end. The sound of cheerios hitting the floor startled poor Patches, especially since it was followed by a gasp from Mom. In an effort to stave off disaster, or at least get further from it, Patches raised his hand (still holding the cheerio bag) high in the air and ran across the kitchen. To his dismay, the mess chased him across the room with cheerios bouncing gleefully everywhere. Mom stopped the expanding chaos by grabbing away the bag, which left Patches staring wide-eyed at the huge pile of cheerios and knowing he’d done a Bad Thing. I’ve never seen a little guy so concerned. He didn’t know whether to run and hide or start to cry. Betrayed by cheerios!

Fortunately hugs from Mom and the mess quickly swept away restored Patches to his usual cheerful self.

13 thoughts on “Cheerio adventure”

  1. I just realized…

    Are you going to keep this so that they can read these entries when they’re, say, 15? Because this makes for some great teasing material if any of their friends would end up reading this…

  2. Re: ROTFL

    Oatmeal is easy to clean up. You just need to wait til it dries then take a scraper/spatula/slice to it. Unless it is carpet. Then you need to get up as much as possible right away and get a vacuum to it.

  3. Your kids…

    Your entire family makes me smile…

    Can I trdae my dad in for you two?

    Like, seriously…

    *beams* You two, and you all, I swear…

    Thanks for the smile for my morning, as it was much needed…

  4. Re: Cheerios are easy for WHO to clean up?

    hahahahaha, I think “cleaning up the Cheerios” was half the reason my parents agreed to get a dog when my sister and I were tykes.

  5. I have to agree with Patches on this one: Cheerios rule. Though, personally, I prefer them with just enough ice cold milk to cover them.

  6. I’d almost forgotten that magic that is O’s.

    My youngest still has a few months before that. O’s, like microwaves, are one of those things you didn’t know were essential until you had them. I still wonder what my parents used instead of O’s.

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