conflicts & nasty names

I do not like conflict. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I do not like feeling powerless. I do not like having to care if someone gets angry at Howard and pledges never to send him money again. I see that “out of savings” deadline coming closer while I scramble every single day to not spend money and push that deadline further away. Howard scrambles every single day to put out a funny comic and to bring more money in. It wounds me deeply to have people who have never met Howard call him nasty names. I live with him. I love him. I see every single day what a wonderful, kind, caring person he is.

Yes I know that being in the public eye means being open to public abuse. That is a given. I just wish the abuse didn’t hurt so much.

Oh, and if anyone uses the comments field in this post to defend their position on why Howard is a horrible person, I WILL delete the post. If you decide never to send him money again, that’s fine. It’s your money. I will not allow Howard abuse in my journal.

8 thoughts on “conflicts & nasty names”

  1. 🙁 I can’t understand people like that…don’t they realize that there’s a real live person behind the comics, and the journals? I’m sorry that stupid people have access to you.

  2. Welcome to the internet. If Howard continues to voice his opinions on hot button issues, he is going to get an emotional response. Is voicing these opinions helping or hurting the business?

  3. Wow…

    Apparently I’m far out of the loop…

    I wasn’t even aware that nasty names and Howard could be put in the same sentence…

  4. Howard… abuse? Uhm. Why?

    He’s the Poster Child for Good (Geeky) Guy. If I had any confidence that everyone out there was a fab as the vibes I get off you two, I would move my family to Utah tomorrow.

    He’s opinionated, sure, and fairly conservative (cough). But his opinions are always well-thought out, and fun to read. He doesn’t bash other people, there’s no irritating “nobody likes meeeeeeee” drama, and he clearly respects and adores his wife as a Person. gee. silly silly people.

  5. I wouldn’t abuse your wonderfully talented husband in ANY journal! Hell, the man should be SYNDICATED! He’s flipping awesome! And I’ve sent LOTS of my friends to his comic! They’ve gone through and read from strip 1!!
    If I don’t like someone’s work, I just won’t read it. I don’t care how much someone is in the public eye. Damnit…doesn’t mean that they’re exempt from being treated with the same level of courtesy we ALL should be treated with.

  6. Not that it helps the way you feel right now, I realize…
    but you can take comfort in the fact that for every buzz kill out there, there are a hundred more that would jump at the chance to defend Howard.

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