After the storm

This past week has been stormy both inside my head and outside my house. Today the sun is shining in both places. This is good.

This morning I spent some time doing self-imposed homework on ADHD. I know lots of people with this diagnosis and it is fascinating to comprehend how their thought processes work. Despite it’s name ADHD isn’t a disorder, it is simply a different way of processing information. That knowledge opens up worlds of possibilities for harnassing the inate capabilities of an ADHD mind to contribute constructively to the world. It is a new and fascinating course of study. Having my mind engaged in a new project always helps lift my mood and calm my spirits. (That is actually an ADHD trait, one of several that I exhibit despite the fact that I’m not ADHD. This seems like additional evidence that ADHD is only part of a spectrum of human thinking patterns.)

While I was reading the mailman came to the door with a package. The package contained books. Someone cared enough to send books to both Howard and me. The books were really good choices too. I don’t know if the person who sent them reads this journal, but thank you very much. You turned a fairly ordinary day into a really good one.

One of the books I recieved was Ish by Peter Reynolds. It is a marvelous childrens book dealing with creativity. It fits so perfectly into my day because my current study book is about the interactions of ADHD and creativity. Now thoughts from both books are floating around in my brain making little connections. For the first time in several weeks I want to do something actively creative. I want to write or draw or garden. Or perhaps like the boy in Ish, I will just feel creative and happy while doing ordinary things. Ordinary things can be creative too.

I am so glad to have reached the calm after the storm. I’m going to take a little while to coast and then I’ll pick a direction and set sail again.