Cell Phone Shopping

I have once again entered the ranks of cell phone ownership. When Howard quit Novell our family went from two phones to one, in an effort to cut expenses. Now with me much more heavily involved in business and both Howard and I running around much more, a second cell phone is again merited. Especially since it is tax deductable as a business expense.

The shopping itself was pretty painless. I knew I wanted a flip phone, but I wanted the cheapest one available. I also knew we wanted the cheapest plan available.

Note to anyone who intends to shop for a cell phone: they’ll shove a brochure at you, but the cheapest plan on the brochure is almost certainly not the cheapest plan available. I made a protesting noise about the price and suddenly the salesman was drawing on my brochure with a lower price. The same thing happened when the subject of accessories came up. I think I’m supposed to feel like the salesman was super nice and that I got a really good deal. Instead I’m left feeling like I might have gotten a better deal if only I’d known the magic haggling words to use.

Oh well, I have my cell phone now. I just wish it had ringtones that weren’t annoying. (Yes I know I can buy ringtones, but I’ve already spent too much money today.)