Day: April 12, 2006

Things I’ve actually said to my children

One of the amusing things about parenting is listening to myself talk to my kids. I’ll be having a conversation which makes perfect sense at the time, then later I’ll think about what I said and laugh because it sounds so ridiculous. I’ve collected a few of these gems over the years.

“Gleek can be an ice cube if she wants to!”

“You tell me what you’re thinking about for breakfast and I’ll tell you why you can’t have it.”

“Doggies with no pants can’t use the computer.”

“Will you shut up so I can tell him to shut up!?”

“If you say ‘please’ one more time I’m going to put you in your room and make you stay there.”

“Let’s go find you a sword that won’t make people bleed.”

Wish lists

I have had several people mention setting up an amazon wish list for Kiki’s upcoming birthday. I have mixed feelings about this. One voice shouts “Do it, you’ll get stuff!” Another mutters guiltily about not asking for charity. A third voice tells me that some of you have honest affection for my kids and it would make you happy to send something. A fourth voice informs me exactly how expensive some of the items are, and that putting up a list would be outright greedy. There are other voices as well, but they’re hard to hear because none of the voices are taking turns. All these voices yammer in my head and I find it hard to come to a decision because they fluxuate in relative volume.

My kids already have a wishlist. Mostly I use it for reference as I’m hitting garage sales and trying to find creative ways to supply things for less money. Nothing on the list falls into the category of “need to have” which is why I’ve not spent the money to buy any of it. But everything on the list is something that one or more of my kids would enjoy.

I’m going to attempt to assuage all of the voices in my head by saying this: If you really want to peruse the taylerkid wishlist, email me at sandratayler at livejournal dot com. I’ll reply with a link to the list. I will not be at all hurt if no one emails.