No wonder I couldn’t sleep last night

The next two weeks will be mostly ordinary. A few unusual things will happen. Kiki has a drama class performance and Howard goes to Penguicon. I do have to babysit NotMyBaby for one week while his new sitter is out of town. I’ve also got a dress to sew for a neighbor and a dress to sew for Kiki. And I’ve got to do all the preparatory stuff for mailing over 1000 schlock books once they arrive. More mailers and labels need to be orders, mailing lists need to be managed, etc. Also I really need to get outside and get the yard ready for planting because in May I won’t have time to think about gardening.

Hmm… that doesn’t sound very ordinary. That sounds crazybusy.

Kiki’s birthday is in May. It comes right after the books arrive. That will be a crazy time, not at all suitable for fitting in a birthday party. So she and I have agreed that there will be a quiet celebration on her birthday and her party-with-friends will be moved to the first week of May. She wants a slumber party. (Insert parental cringing here.) So I have three weeks to arrange Kiki’s birthday presents and party. I’ll have to dig into my box of potential gifts and make sure that I have enough to make her birthday a happy one for her. With life so stressed we may just have to spend money rather than being creatively frugal.

The second week of May books arrive at our door and I’ll be crazy busy trying to get them mailed out. Once all the books are mailed we plan to have a book release party to celebrate. That will probably happen during the third week of May. The fourth week of May I haul all the kids to my brother’s house and dump them on my sister-in-law so that I can attend three days of Conduit with Howard. It will be the first convention appearance where books will be available and it feels important for me to be there.

After that May will be pretty much over and I hope to collapse in a heap.