Day: May 21, 2006

Hot Pockets, and Nuggets, and Chimichangas, Oh My!

In anticipation of the stressful week that we just survived, Howard and I purchased frozen food. We bough frozen lasagnas, chicken nuggets, hot pockets, and chimichangas. These are all items that we haven’t had for nigh two years because they’re too expensive. BUT this purchasing decision was actually the frugal decision, because while Hot Pockets are more expensive than home cooking, they are far cheaper than fast food or delivered pizza. We knew we would not have time, energy, or brainspace to cook. Also we didn’t want to have the added stress of having to negotiate the eating of food with children who’d rather do something else.

Sure enough, the kids wolfed down these food items with relish. Patches is young enough that he doesn’t remember the days when this was standard fare, but he’s definitely found a new favorite food group called “chicken nuggets.” Kiki rejoiced at the return of her beloved Hot Pockets. Link felt the same way about the chicken nuggets. Gleek actually sat still to eat these foods rather than bouncing around the room between bites. All of this forced me to remember why I served them so often during the Novell years. They were so convenient and argument free. Unfortunately convenience is expensive. With home cooked meals I can usually feed the whole family for $2 or less. Chimichangas cost $.90 each and our family will eat 8 or more during one meal. Fast food runs us $15 or more for one meal. We saved money by planning ahead for stressful times. (I would have saved even more by planning further ahead and freezing home cooked meals, but that just didn’t happen this time around.)

Today we ate up the last of the frozen pre-prepared food. All along we’ve been telling our kids that we bought these foods as treats for during “book week.” I fully expect to hear requests for more of them in the near future. I won’t be buying them. The point of a treat is that it is rare and special. If kids get chicken nuggets every day, then chicken nuggets stop being a treat. If kids get candy every day, then it stops being a treat. “daily treat” is something of an oxymoron, or at least it should be. I thought about keeping a stock of chicken nuggets in the freezer for “emergencies,” but when I KNOW there are nuggets in the freezer “emergency” gets redefined to mean “I don’t feel like cooking today.” If I don’t have convenient foods in the freezer I muddle through on cheaper options despite being tired. We’ll get more of these frozen foods when next we have a “book week.” Hopefully that will be within the next 6 months.

The day after

Today is our recovery day. Howard and I are both in need of a day of rest. Howard needs it even more than I do because the book release party was half relaxation for me and Howard had to work hard through the whole thing. All the advance preparation and stress was worth it. Once we got our hands on the books everything went smoother than we had any right to hope.

I cannot say enough to express my appreciation for the people who showed up to help. In three days of working, not once were we short handed. We always had more people wanting to help than there was work to do. Not only did people show up to help, but they showed up with good cheer and made the whole experience a joyful one. Howard and I came away completely exhausted, but very very happy. I’m actually looking forward to mailing out the next book so we can do it all again. Only next time we’ll try to make sure we have books enough in advance so that Howard can spread out his work and spend more time relaxing and playing.

Today we rest. Tomorrow we finish the odds and ends of mailing. Then we start gearing up for Conduit next weekend. I’m looking forward to Conduit. The kids will all be at my brother’s house, so it will be just Howard and I for three days. Howard will still be working, and so will I, but we should be able to find a little bit of time for having fun as well.

Life is good.