Gotta Dance!

Howard and I are frequent patrons of our local Blockbuster. Renting movies is a fun way for us to relax together without having to pay a babysitter. Usually Howard is the one who goes to Blockbuster. He’ll browse the rows and chat with me on his cell phone while we try to figure out what he should bring home. But the other night I was the one to go to Blockbuster. I spent a glorious child-free hour browsing through the store. I wrote down the titles of every movie that interested me, so the next time Howard calls me and says “what should I get?” I can answer instead of saying “I don’t know.”

I brought home The Producers and Shall We Dance. Both of these movies feature dancing. I love watching dancing and dancing movies. The one drawback is that they make me want to dance. Which may not be a drawback at all really. I want to be a dancer. I don’t much care about performing or accolades. I want to move like a dancer. I want to be strong and lithe and flexible like a dancer. The only way I can be those things is to train as a dancer. Dance is a celebration of life and the human body. Dance is beautiful. I’d love to be part of that. And regular dancing might help me shave off that little bit of extra roundness that four pregnancies have bestowed.

Apparently I have lots of reasons that I’d love to dance. Unfortunately I know myself. Unless I have some kind of an appointment (like a class) I will prioritize other things above a daily dance session. A class seems to be the way to go, but I worry a little about the added stresses to our family. We already have so many scheduled events. Do I really want to add another one to the calendar? Dance classes cost money. Our finances are worlds better than they were before we released the book, but I’m not sure whether there is enough wiggle room for me to squeeze in a dance class for myself.

The question is mostly moot because most dance classes are on hold for the summer. I’ll be better able to sort my thoughts and answer financial questions in a couple of months anyway. In the meantime I’m hoping to do more stretching and see what kind of a home dance program I can pull together. Maybe Gleek and I can have mommy/daughter dancing sessions. I wonder if there are any how-to books or videos about ballet or modern dance.