Gotta Dance!

Howard and I are frequent patrons of our local Blockbuster. Renting movies is a fun way for us to relax together without having to pay a babysitter. Usually Howard is the one who goes to Blockbuster. He’ll browse the rows and chat with me on his cell phone while we try to figure out what he should bring home. But the other night I was the one to go to Blockbuster. I spent a glorious child-free hour browsing through the store. I wrote down the titles of every movie that interested me, so the next time Howard calls me and says “what should I get?” I can answer instead of saying “I don’t know.”

I brought home The Producers and Shall We Dance. Both of these movies feature dancing. I love watching dancing and dancing movies. The one drawback is that they make me want to dance. Which may not be a drawback at all really. I want to be a dancer. I don’t much care about performing or accolades. I want to move like a dancer. I want to be strong and lithe and flexible like a dancer. The only way I can be those things is to train as a dancer. Dance is a celebration of life and the human body. Dance is beautiful. I’d love to be part of that. And regular dancing might help me shave off that little bit of extra roundness that four pregnancies have bestowed.

Apparently I have lots of reasons that I’d love to dance. Unfortunately I know myself. Unless I have some kind of an appointment (like a class) I will prioritize other things above a daily dance session. A class seems to be the way to go, but I worry a little about the added stresses to our family. We already have so many scheduled events. Do I really want to add another one to the calendar? Dance classes cost money. Our finances are worlds better than they were before we released the book, but I’m not sure whether there is enough wiggle room for me to squeeze in a dance class for myself.

The question is mostly moot because most dance classes are on hold for the summer. I’ll be better able to sort my thoughts and answer financial questions in a couple of months anyway. In the meantime I’m hoping to do more stretching and see what kind of a home dance program I can pull together. Maybe Gleek and I can have mommy/daughter dancing sessions. I wonder if there are any how-to books or videos about ballet or modern dance.

40 thoughts on “Gotta Dance!”

  1. My wife was a professional dancer and instructor (middle eastern) and one of the things she liked, to compliment dance was Tai Chi, taken at local Kung Fu school. Martial arts really helps with balance and toning.

    Don’t know about modern dance but there’s lots of middle eastern dance dvd’s out there. She evauluates them for her students.

  2. My wife was a professional dancer and instructor (middle eastern) and one of the things she liked, to compliment dance was Tai Chi, taken at local Kung Fu school. Martial arts really helps with balance and toning.

    Don’t know about modern dance but there’s lots of middle eastern dance dvd’s out there. She evauluates them for her students.

  3. i have a belly dance video which is a *lot* of fun – made by a friend of mine.

    i would happily send you a copy if you’d like. Feel free to contact me at gddsaphrodite at yahoo dot com 🙂

  4. i have a belly dance video which is a *lot* of fun – made by a friend of mine.

    i would happily send you a copy if you’d like. Feel free to contact me at gddsaphrodite at yahoo dot com 🙂

  5. Ballroom dancing is really, really fun. If you can find a tango or rhumba or whatever class that isn’t too intense, it’s really great.

    Beware of the twirling waltz, though. Viennese Waltzing, while fun, makes one dizzy.

  6. Ballroom dancing is really, really fun. If you can find a tango or rhumba or whatever class that isn’t too intense, it’s really great.

    Beware of the twirling waltz, though. Viennese Waltzing, while fun, makes one dizzy.

  7. “shave off that little bit of extra roundness”?
    Are you kidding me? You looked GREAT at the release party!
    Besides, if you do some Belly Dancing, you’re going to need some good looking feminine roundness to pull it off, right? 🙂
    I have heard that Belly Dancing was REALLY good for you…
    Have fun dancing!

  8. “shave off that little bit of extra roundness”?
    Are you kidding me? You looked GREAT at the release party!
    Besides, if you do some Belly Dancing, you’re going to need some good looking feminine roundness to pull it off, right? 🙂
    I have heard that Belly Dancing was REALLY good for you…
    Have fun dancing!

  9. Come do bellydance with me! There’s a really awesome group that dances Monday here where we are, and Thursdays at the Peetneet Academy – it’s like, 5 bucks a class, but the troupe leader can also work out a deal with you for less. But it can always be a “dance when you can afford it” tyep thing.

    It’s how I dropped 20 pounds after my son (and how I’m hoping to drop weight now). <-- I'm on the classes page, about 3 days before delivering Tink!

  10. Come do bellydance with me! There’s a really awesome group that dances Monday here where we are, and Thursdays at the Peetneet Academy – it’s like, 5 bucks a class, but the troupe leader can also work out a deal with you for less. But it can always be a “dance when you can afford it” tyep thing.

    It’s how I dropped 20 pounds after my son (and how I’m hoping to drop weight now). <-- I'm on the classes page, about 3 days before delivering Tink!

  11. Also, I have a book from my college ballet class that defines all the moves and describes how to do them. You could borrow it, if you wanted. I also have 2 bellydance DVDs that are really really fun.

  12. Also, I have a book from my college ballet class that defines all the moves and describes how to do them. You could borrow it, if you wanted. I also have 2 bellydance DVDs that are really really fun.

  13. Gilmoure is right about Tai Chi. I took a Community Tai Chi class (those are pretty cheap) right as I got pregnant with LightningBoy. Besides, as you memorize all the steps you can do them anytime and they make you feel REALLY cool and graceful.
    A Million Chinese grandmas and grandpas can’t be wrong!

    Also, if you get really good at it, you can incorporate a cool sword with a big tassle hanging off the hilt. Now THAT’S cool! 🙂

  14. Gilmoure is right about Tai Chi. I took a Community Tai Chi class (those are pretty cheap) right as I got pregnant with LightningBoy. Besides, as you memorize all the steps you can do them anytime and they make you feel REALLY cool and graceful.
    A Million Chinese grandmas and grandpas can’t be wrong!

    Also, if you get really good at it, you can incorporate a cool sword with a big tassle hanging off the hilt. Now THAT’S cool! 🙂

  15. Oh yes. It was tons of fun – people love a pregnant bellydancer. That photo was taken less than a week before my baby girl was born ^_^

  16. Oh yes. It was tons of fun – people love a pregnant bellydancer. That photo was taken less than a week before my baby girl was born ^_^

  17. Martial arts classes

    The trick is, find a good teacher with martial arts. (I assume with dance as well – different end-goal, but the approach seems quite similar from my non-dancing POV)

    *IF* you’re interested in such activities, go audit a class or two. Sit down, watch how the teacher/sensi/sifu/whatever-the-term deals with the students. Also, decide what you want to go for – self defense? Agility? Strength? Cardio? All are done in various martial arts studios, but only rarely are the all done well in the same studio.

    Talk to friends who participate in such activities – get what they like about their teachers/instructors and what they don’t like, and form your own ‘ideal’ teacher. Unlikely you’ll find that exact person – but you’ll know (at least somewhat) what you’re looking for.

    *shrug* Ya hit a bit of a hotbutton there for me. *smile* A good teacher is a WONDERFUL thing, but IMO there’s a lot more not-good teachers than good ones out there. As I seem to recall Sandra posting about dancing studios a while back…

    Tai Chi is a good flexibility form, with a little bit of strength hidden in it, but IMO self-defense capability is quite low. (Note – a black belt equivalent in ANY form is IMO not someone to mess with. *wry grin* It’s just that Tai Chi is very UNfocused on self defense/offensive capability.) I’d hesitate to offer any form as the perfect form – instead, I’d suggest that finding a good teacher is probably the best goal.

    Just my 2c,

  18. Martial arts classes

    The trick is, find a good teacher with martial arts. (I assume with dance as well – different end-goal, but the approach seems quite similar from my non-dancing POV)

    *IF* you’re interested in such activities, go audit a class or two. Sit down, watch how the teacher/sensi/sifu/whatever-the-term deals with the students. Also, decide what you want to go for – self defense? Agility? Strength? Cardio? All are done in various martial arts studios, but only rarely are the all done well in the same studio.

    Talk to friends who participate in such activities – get what they like about their teachers/instructors and what they don’t like, and form your own ‘ideal’ teacher. Unlikely you’ll find that exact person – but you’ll know (at least somewhat) what you’re looking for.

    *shrug* Ya hit a bit of a hotbutton there for me. *smile* A good teacher is a WONDERFUL thing, but IMO there’s a lot more not-good teachers than good ones out there. As I seem to recall Sandra posting about dancing studios a while back…

    Tai Chi is a good flexibility form, with a little bit of strength hidden in it, but IMO self-defense capability is quite low. (Note – a black belt equivalent in ANY form is IMO not someone to mess with. *wry grin* It’s just that Tai Chi is very UNfocused on self defense/offensive capability.) I’d hesitate to offer any form as the perfect form – instead, I’d suggest that finding a good teacher is probably the best goal.

    Just my 2c,

  19. I agree with ‘s comment that martial arts have much the same goals of flexibility, strength, and grace. I’ve taken a few college phys ed classes of each, and enjoyed them both. In martial arts, look for a school that emphasizes kata – memorized routines of movements, much like dance routines.

    As for finding the time, I thought you said that Gleek wanted dance classes, are there any mother-daughter classes? And marital arts is fun for the whole family, so you could all do it. Check out local community colleges and community centers as well as the obvious dance and/or martial arts schools.

  20. I agree with ‘s comment that martial arts have much the same goals of flexibility, strength, and grace. I’ve taken a few college phys ed classes of each, and enjoyed them both. In martial arts, look for a school that emphasizes kata – memorized routines of movements, much like dance routines.

    As for finding the time, I thought you said that Gleek wanted dance classes, are there any mother-daughter classes? And marital arts is fun for the whole family, so you could all do it. Check out local community colleges and community centers as well as the obvious dance and/or martial arts schools.

  21. Got my 3 books in the mail – they arrived safely but fell right out when I picked up the envelope – maybe the mailman was reading ’em?

    I *love* the new Producers movie. I am also a fan of any social dancing, tango, swing, goth club, and think dancers trained in ballet are stylish, poised, and elegant… belly dancers have some good moves too. Tai chi bogus, had a klutz girlfriend who taught it.

  22. Got my 3 books in the mail – they arrived safely but fell right out when I picked up the envelope – maybe the mailman was reading ’em?

    I *love* the new Producers movie. I am also a fan of any social dancing, tango, swing, goth club, and think dancers trained in ballet are stylish, poised, and elegant… belly dancers have some good moves too. Tai chi bogus, had a klutz girlfriend who taught it.

  23. I’m sure there are books and vidoes on ballet — I’d suggest trying your library system for one. If you’ve got a good inter-library loan program in your area, I’m sure they’d have something.

    I think dancing with Gleek is a great idea. =)

  24. I’m sure there are books and vidoes on ballet — I’d suggest trying your library system for one. If you’ve got a good inter-library loan program in your area, I’m sure they’d have something.

    I think dancing with Gleek is a great idea. =)

  25. You’re absolutely right. If I do not take a dance class it will be because I decided not to spend the money, or I found a different project to occupy my creative urges. Howard is 100% supportive of things I want to do.

  26. You’re absolutely right. If I do not take a dance class it will be because I decided not to spend the money, or I found a different project to occupy my creative urges. Howard is 100% supportive of things I want to do.

  27. Taking a dance class with you is really appealing. Unfortunately I’m in North Orem which puts Payson about 30 minutes away in good traffic. That’s a bit far for me to want to drive for a dance class. Also I’m very enamoured of the elegant arms & legs of classical dance styles. I may get my hands on a bellydancing video though just to give it a try.

  28. Taking a dance class with you is really appealing. Unfortunately I’m in North Orem which puts Payson about 30 minutes away in good traffic. That’s a bit far for me to want to drive for a dance class. Also I’m very enamoured of the elegant arms & legs of classical dance styles. I may get my hands on a bellydancing video though just to give it a try.

  29. <-- they have classes all evening long Monday, in case you wanted to dance after the kids go to bed. The fencing club they meet at is near 800 S...

    I can beg like a puppy!

    I sometimes miss ballet – but right now I am too fat and lumpy to feel comfortable climbing back into my tights (And I’d *definately* need a new leotard). But at least my ballet slippers still fit!

    Oooh, and just a “something to remember” – in Fall, UVSC is going to be offering swing dance lessons again – I think we’ll start, since my husband has always wanted to learn, and I miss that too.

    I used to do a whole lot of dancing, but as you know, being a mom takes all of your spare time!

  30. <-- they have classes all evening long Monday, in case you wanted to dance after the kids go to bed. The fencing club they meet at is near 800 S...

    I can beg like a puppy!

    I sometimes miss ballet – but right now I am too fat and lumpy to feel comfortable climbing back into my tights (And I’d *definately* need a new leotard). But at least my ballet slippers still fit!

    Oooh, and just a “something to remember” – in Fall, UVSC is going to be offering swing dance lessons again – I think we’ll start, since my husband has always wanted to learn, and I miss that too.

    I used to do a whole lot of dancing, but as you know, being a mom takes all of your spare time!

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