
I have just returned from Conduit and my head is swimming. I have so many thoughts to sort, so many possiblities for writing. Without a doubt the highlight of the weekend was the people I met. I got to have long conversations about writing with people who love it and who have books in print. James Dashner and Julie Wright were a joy to visit with. I could have spent an entire weekend just talking with them. L. E. Modesitt was a wonderful gentleman who is full of real experience and wisdom. We spent lots of time with Bob Defendi and Dan Willis with whom it is impossible to run out of conversational topics or jokes to laugh about. I got to visit with Newton Ewell and watch him draw the most amazing pictures. There are so many more names I can’t remember them all.

It was a joy to meet these people as peers. I love the fact that Howard’s creativity and diligence has opened doors for me so that I can meet such wonderful people on even ground rather than as a nameless fan. Someday I’ll meet them again and I’ll have MY book. Filled with things that I have written. I spent quite a lot of time at the art show looking to see if anything jumped out at me as potential cover art. Nothing was quite right, but I fell in love with a couple of pieces and I splurged to buy them. They’re going on my office wall just above my computer where I can look at them while I ponder what to write.

Now I am back at home. I need to settle back into regular life. But I don’t want to. I want to savor and sort and treasure. The next con I get to go to will be Life The Universe and Everything at BYU next February. Perhaps I’ll submit something to the short story contest there. I intended to submit to the Conduit contest, but I was too busy with Howard’s book to remember to do it.

Hmm. The scatteredness of this post reflects the scattered nature of my thoughts. Hopefully I’ll be more coherent tomorrow.

6 thoughts on “Post-Conduit”

  1. Post-con brain-scatter – it’s normal. Revel in it. There’s so much to absorb and understand and put into memory storage and write down before it slips away and … and …

    It sounds like you had a grand time. Hooray! You deserve it!

    When do you pick up the kids and have your thoughts completely dominated by Mommy stuff again?

  2. Post-con brain-scatter – it’s normal. Revel in it. There’s so much to absorb and understand and put into memory storage and write down before it slips away and … and …

    It sounds like you had a grand time. Hooray! You deserve it!

    When do you pick up the kids and have your thoughts completely dominated by Mommy stuff again?

  3. The cover art I’m seeking is for a book of yet-to-be-written short stories. I have time to find the right artist and then comission the cover that I want. It’s a down-the-road project, but it gave me an excuse to wander through the art show several times.

  4. The cover art I’m seeking is for a book of yet-to-be-written short stories. I have time to find the right artist and then comission the cover that I want. It’s a down-the-road project, but it gave me an excuse to wander through the art show several times.

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