…and then comes the sugar crash

Gleek came off of her sugar high hard this afternoon. In the space of 10 minutes we went from happy to The End of the World is Nigh. During the ensuing 30 minutes of screaming she asserted that the only thing in the world that could possibly make her happy again was another ring pop. I was a bit skeptical since 3 minutes prior the only thing that would make her happy would be going to her friends house and just minutes prior to that she was crying to play with a different friend. I declined to provide the desired ring pop and heartlessly informed her that she would have to find a different way to be happy again. Lo and behold, after 5 more minutes of crying, a glass of milk, and snuggling to watch a movie, Gleek had found that the world would not end for lack of ring pops.

High doses of sugar, not good for Gleek. It is now 9:15, she has been exhausted since 5, and she literally cannot hold still long enough to fall asleep. I think I’m in for 24-48 hours of detox before she’ll be normal again. Forecast for tomorrow: Crankiness with occasional begging for candy.

4 thoughts on “…and then comes the sugar crash”

  1. *oooof* Poor Gleek. Poor Mom. How’s today going for her?

    Too bad it couldn’t be like the post “Easter Egg Hunt” slumber party, when they all crashed on the floor and slept soundly. At least then you had a night of peace and quiet and all the crankiness was concentrated into the next morning.

  2. *oooof* Poor Gleek. Poor Mom. How’s today going for her?

    Too bad it couldn’t be like the post “Easter Egg Hunt” slumber party, when they all crashed on the floor and slept soundly. At least then you had a night of peace and quiet and all the crankiness was concentrated into the next morning.

  3. Oh, icky. I learned that my mother-in-law thinks M&Ms are an appropriate pre-dinner snack on Memorial Day. Gee, thanks, ma…

  4. Oh, icky. I learned that my mother-in-law thinks M&Ms are an appropriate pre-dinner snack on Memorial Day. Gee, thanks, ma…

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