Things I crossed off my list

Last night I created a dolist for today which seemed overwhelming. Now all of the things are done and I still have day left. I’m still not sure how that happened. The list follows with a brief description for each item.

Call Link’s school about his teacher assignment:
Link has been very vocal about wanting a male teacher this year. I agree that it would probably be a good thing for him. I put in a request last spring stating I felt he would do better in a class with a male teacher. His class assignment arrived yesterday and his teacher is female. I quickly decided that for Link’s sake I can’t let this slide. He needs to know that I will fight for him when the issue is really important. I do not know that he will end up with his class assignment changed, but I do want to understand the class placement system better. Was there a reason that my request was disregarded or was it simple neglect? I called the school this morning and left a message, then I drove by on the chance that someone might be there. It looks like office hours won’t begin until next week, so this item is on hold until then.

Order a new computer: Thank you all for your kind recommendations about which kind of computer works for you. The desktop computer can do everything I need a computer to do. It is also several hundred dollars cheaper than a laptop. For now I’m just replacing the desktop. Perhaps after we’ve presold the next book I’ll feel like we have enough money to spare for me to spend on convenience rather than necessity. All things considered, I’d rather let my kids have lessons than me have a laptop.

Sign up for kids lessons: I’ve been unable to do this because until class assignments arrived, I was uncertain what Gleek’s kindergarten schedule would be. That information arrived yesterday, so today I trotted over the The Little Gym and registered them all. Link is taking an intro to Karate class there. (It is probably generic martial arts introduction rather than Karate, but that’s what they call it.) The other three kids all wanted gymnastics. They’re all in separate classes according to age, which is good. I love the Little Gym. It is a completely non-competitive gymnastics program. The focus is on physical development rather than competition training. I had Kiki in a competition program when she was 6 and neither of us liked it at all.

Drop off a load at the local thrift store drive: I had a pile of stuff taking up space in my house. I loaded it. Drove there. Unloaded it. Now it is gone. Yay!

Buy cases of canned goods at local Case Lot sale: Every August a local grocery store called Macey’s has a case lot sale. They buy tons of food and offer at discount prices. I buy a carload of canned goods each August. Then over the course of the year we gradually use up the food that I bought. It is a great way to save money as long as you have the space to store cases of food. And as long as you actually use the canned goods that you bought.

Answer phone questions from my credit card company: This wasn’t on my list, but it happened anyway. Apparently spending hundreds of dollars on Little Gym, then hundreds more on groceries, and then even more hundreds on a new computer, all within only a few hours raises red flags in the credit card system. It should. Especially since we tend not to spend that way these days. It’s all sorted out and there are no problems.

Lunch is next. After that I’m sure I’ll find something else to do. Preferrably something that doesn’t cost quite so much money. There’s always laundry if I can’t think of anything else.

18 thoughts on “Things I crossed off my list”

  1. It’s a personality thing. Link lights up for the male teachers he’s been in contact with in a way that he never has for female teachers. He is more interested in the things they say and more willing to try to please them by learning stuff. There may also be an auditory factor involved. Deep voices may be easier for him to pay attention to. Male teachers relate to kids in different ways than female teachers do. I think it is good for kids to experience both at some point.

    If he can’t have a male teacher I’d settle for a female one that isn’t on the edge of retirement.

  2. It’s a personality thing. Link lights up for the male teachers he’s been in contact with in a way that he never has for female teachers. He is more interested in the things they say and more willing to try to please them by learning stuff. There may also be an auditory factor involved. Deep voices may be easier for him to pay attention to. Male teachers relate to kids in different ways than female teachers do. I think it is good for kids to experience both at some point.

    If he can’t have a male teacher I’d settle for a female one that isn’t on the edge of retirement.

  3. You’ve probably already checked this, but I’m curious. Are you certain that the school has a male teacher for his grade? Because in my elementary school, there was only one male teacher, and he taught auxiliary classes, such as running the computer lab.

  4. You’ve probably already checked this, but I’m curious. Are you certain that the school has a male teacher for his grade? Because in my elementary school, there was only one male teacher, and he taught auxiliary classes, such as running the computer lab.

  5. My kids’ elementary has a ratio that is higher than that. Pretty much every grade has at least one male teacher. For some grades there are more male teachers than female.

  6. My kids’ elementary has a ratio that is higher than that. Pretty much every grade has at least one male teacher. For some grades there are more male teachers than female.

  7. I never knew that Maceys did that – is it still going on? We were going to go to Costco tomorrow to stock up on another year’s worth of soups and veggies and fruit.

    I wish I could make a garden grow. All I can grow is wild roses. 🙁

  8. I never knew that Maceys did that – is it still going on? We were going to go to Costco tomorrow to stock up on another year’s worth of soups and veggies and fruit.

    I wish I could make a garden grow. All I can grow is wild roses. 🙁

  9. “i’d settle for a female one that isn’t on the edge of retirement.”

    Amen! LightningBoy’s first 1st grade teacher had been teaching for 25 years and she was old and rigid in how things SHOULD be and anytime I was in the class room I often cringed at how grumpy and severe she was…. kids who are homeless, and on drugs for ADD (whether they should be or not) and kids who speak spanish and russian better than English (which was the majority of the class) should have a loving and positive teacher that isn’t sick of kids during the last few of hours of school.
    She made ME scared of her.

  10. “i’d settle for a female one that isn’t on the edge of retirement.”

    Amen! LightningBoy’s first 1st grade teacher had been teaching for 25 years and she was old and rigid in how things SHOULD be and anytime I was in the class room I often cringed at how grumpy and severe she was…. kids who are homeless, and on drugs for ADD (whether they should be or not) and kids who speak spanish and russian better than English (which was the majority of the class) should have a loving and positive teacher that isn’t sick of kids during the last few of hours of school.
    She made ME scared of her.

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