
It is the time of year once again when peer pressure abounds in the writing community. Every online writer must ask herself, “will I join NaNoWriMo* this year?” Those who do join are all excited and seek to recruit others. Those who don’t, feel compelled to explain why.

I’m in that second category. There may come a year where I can take a month and put writing first. I may be able to really dive in and write thousands of words in a day. This is not that year. It will probably not be that year until my youngest child is over the age of 10. I have too many other things in my life that are more important to me than writing 50,000 words in a month. I admire those who have the time and drive to do it, but that isn’t me this year. This year I will have to be content with mailing out hundreds of schlock books. A secondary goal is for me to do a final revision on my story in progress and select an idea to be my next work in progress. Maybe I’ll even attempt to write in my blog daily for the month of November. Having writing in my brain is good. If nothing else then NaNoWriMo has accomplished that much for many many people.

*NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. Writers are challenged to produce a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. As far as I know the only prize is a sense of accomplishment and a jpeg you can put on your website.