Book Mailing: Day 1

This morning I dispersed my children to the care of various friends. The mommy in me cried out “Yay! I get a vacation!” Then the business side of me replied “Vacation?! We have to work!”

Much work was done. Most of it was not done by me. Once again I am blown away by the kindness of Schlock fans. They showed up en masse to help us mail. Once again the work went faster that I would have believed possible. We’re 3/4 of the way done packing books. I am also blown away by the kindness of the postal workers. They came by with a truck twice and waived the pick up fee both times. They’ll be back tomorrow for a final pick up. It was the same truck driver who came by last May.

This morning I looked at my box full of invoices and felt like we’d never get it all done. By the end of the day I was worrying that there wouldn’t be enough to do tomorrow. Tomorrow from 11 am until about 2 pm we’ll be packing books at The Keep. Then we’ll shanghai a group of people with strong backs to help relocate books from our garage to our basement. The only drawback to the second part of this plan is that they’ll all get to see the disaster that is my house. I haven’t done much housework this week.

For tonight, I need to finish customs forms, print out some additional postage, pack up some more global mailers and put my kids to bed.