Day: November 14, 2006

By request

In the past 24 hours my children have asked me to buy:

A trampoline
a collapsible blue umbrella
footie pajamas
silky pajamas
art lessons that last twice as long
a $53 pastel set
new video games because all the ones we have are boring
all the polly pocket sets in the world
a new backpack
a new computer for the family
a personal laptop computer
binder sheets for holding pokemon trading cards
a new robe

And they wonder why I always say no.

Forward momentum

Having postnasal drip and a sore throat were not in my plans for today. Neither was being awake at 1:30 am and trying to explain to an 11 year old that “I’m afraid of the dark” is no longer an acceptable answer. At age 11 she is old enough to recognize fear of the dark as an indicator of some unresolved issue lurking in her brain. She is old enough to see the indicator and go hunting for causes rather than sitting in the dark afraid. It was a good conversation to have, I like her being able to seek out and destroy her own monsters, but I wish it could have taken place at an earlier hour.

The pace toward the Schlock book mailing days continues to increase. Today I have to stamp return addresses on many many mailers. I also have to fill out many customs forms. I have to print postage. I have to print labels. And through it all I have to pay enough attention to the kids that they don’t melt into puddles of neglect. All of this with a head cold and too little sleep. Whee.