Schlock Book Release Party

The book release at Dragon’s Keep was loads of fun. I was there from 11 am until 10 pm and during the entire time there were people to talk to and games to be played. There was also some stress because I was hostessing and had to make sure that the food table stayed filled. I really wish my voice wasn’t so hoarse today. I can’t inflect for humor anywhere near as well when my voice is hoarse.

The party was fun. It was also exhausting coming on the heels of two days of book mailing. Perhaps tomorrow when I’m not so tired I’ll regale with stories of games played and fun people met. Tonight I can’t do them justice.

I cannot thank anyone enough for the all the help. The past three days could not have worked without all the people who showed up with willing hands. I need to tell more about those specifics too.

For now I must get into bed before I fall asleep on the keyboard.