
I had a whole post planned about the Christmas inventory I did today. It was going to be entertaining and fun. I was going to enjoy writing it. Now it is 9 pm and I finally have time and quiet to write, only I’m too grumpy and tired from all the putting-kids-to-bed to write that post. Maybe I’ll get to write it tomorrow.

I shouldn’t complain. After all, I had vast swathes of free time this afternoon. I just filled them with inventory rather than with writing about doing inventory.

The free time came courtesy of our huge bin of legos. Way back when the very first sets of Star Wars legos made their appearance, Howard longed to own all of them. I aided and abetted this desire and so we used much of our disposable income on lego sets for several years. Then we realized that we were never going to catch up because they’d keep creating more sets. We also realized that we already had about a hojillion legos and didn’t need more than that. At the time our kids were too small to really play with legos. I remember one evening when we were building things when two-year-old Kiki pulled all the heads off of the lego men and lined them up on a flat green board like some sort of a head garden. Or perhaps it was a recreation of the French Revolution. Other than making head gardens, mostly the kids just scattered the legos without really building anything. But now they are old enough to construct. And now we do not have a lego eating baby or toddler in the house. So now is the time for us to put away the duplos and bring out the legos for every day use. The kids are thrilled with this prospect. I’m fairly certain that my vacuum cleaner will be less than thrilled as it eats all the tiny pieces that always get lost in the corners of the room. Hopefully it will be a happy switch and not one that has me ready to tear my hair out and throw all the legos away.

BUT the switch cannot be made until 1 pm on Wednesday after I finish hosting a church luncheon here at my house. The luncheon will have a variety of women and small children invading my house and some of them will not be lego safe. I’m looking forward to hosting this luncheon. It will give me motivation to clean all the corners of my house that I’ve been ignoring for the past several months.

So legos = good. Luncheon = good. Silence from upstairs where Gleek & Patches are in bed while Link is snacking and Kiki is reading = good. What was I grumpy about again?