
During the month of November I had a goal to write a blog entry every day. I met that goal. In doing so I seem to have created something of a habit. I’m not complaining. I like having a daily reason to focus my writing capabilities on some topic or another. However to help me out on those days when I would stare at the blank screen at a loss for what to write, I created a list of possible blog topics. I called it my Blogable list. The list was written on post-it notes and stuck to the cupboard door of my computer hutch. I still have the list and I keep adding to it. Somehow the list keeps getting longer rather than shorter.

Several months ago I went back and reread all of my teenage journals. There were many of them filled with endless chatter about peers and my feelings about relationships and my ponderings on my self worth and who I wanted to become and religious musings. 95% of my journals covered these topics. I hardly ever mentioned things I did with my family. I never mentioned schoolwork or my teachers even though they were huge in my life at the time. I never mentioned the things I was learning. As I read back I saw these huge gaps and wished that my teenage self had had a Blogable list so that she could have been reminded of the other things that there were to write about.

I remember those frustrating gaps in my teenage journals and I wonder what gaps am I leaving in this online journal today. I can’t see the gaps from where I’m standing, just as my teenage self didn’t see her gaps. So I am enlisting all of your eyes. Are there things I have mentioned in passing that you’d like to hear more about? Are there things that I completely fail to mention because they seem obvious to me, but aren’t to you? Are there questions you’ve been wanting to ask and have answered? If there are, leave them in the comments below. I’ll add these things to my Blogable list. I give no guarantees that I’ll actually respond to all of the comments. This is a public journal and there are some things that I’m leaving out very deliberately. However it is possible that you’ll provide me with impetus and material to write some entries that will entertain us all.