Rethinking Saturdays

In each day I only have so much energy to make kids do stuff. On school days I focus on making them get ready for school and making them to homework. On Sunday I concentrate on making them get ready for church and making them behave themselves during church. Since teaching my kids to clean house is part of my parental duties, only Saturday is left for making the house clean. So on Saturday’s I make kids clean house. The problem with this schedule is that I rarely get a break from making them do stuff and they rarely get a break from having to do stuff.

I can’t just let the housework go. That results in a cluttered house and crankiness from everyone. But maybe if I expend just a little bit more energy on weekdays, there won’t be as much housework to do on Saturdays. Maybe I’ll take one Saturday a month and let us all goof off all day. As it stands I’ve been letting us all take a break from school by making us all clean house. When I put it that way, it doesn’t sound like a break at all.

More thought is necessary here.