The Applesauce Trick

I used to be really good at taking pills. Two surgeries and radiation therapy on my neck changed that. Now I have difficulty taking even small pills. I can’t remember whether someone told me about this or if I made it up, but now I take my pills with applesauce instead of water. I just stick the pills into a spoonful of applesauce and swallow the whole thing down. I can take 4 pills simultaneously with this trick, if I use just water I choke on one.

This trick is even more useful for the kids. All of my kids can take pills, even Patches who is only 4. They actually like using the applesauce trick. Particularly since I always have them learn it by using M&Ms instead of pills. I love being able to feed my kids pills rather than chewables. No more complaints about nasty flavors. Not to mention that pills are much cheaper than chewables.

3 thoughts on “The Applesauce Trick”

  1. Having been in three nursing homes the past year and a half, I know all about the applesauce trick. I’ve never had to use it, myself, because I’ve been blessed with the ability to dry-swallow pills. This tends to get amazed remarks by medical professionals, even when I do it for large pills.

    I just tell them with a smile that I can swallow just about anything, except politics. 😀

  2. It’s good that they can swallow pills. Just make sure they swallow them whole. One person I know (online) took pills mashed up with applesauce when he was a kid. All was well and good, until he took one that wasn’t supposed to be mashed, had to be swallowed whole. He threw up for 24 hours.

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