Summer Schedule

Summer days are very long. I’m not just talking about hours of daylight here. I’m talking about the huge swathes of time where I have no constraints on my schedule. It is now 2:45 pm and I keep having the nagging feeling that I’m supposed to be somewhere. I am accustomed to having a rush of activity this time of day because I have to pick up kids from school and drop them at various activities. Today there is nothing. I have nowhere to go. For today this is good because I have a pile of accounting to plow through. But I need to not get lazy. I need to not look at the big blocks of time in my schedule and put things off because there will be plenty of time to do it later. In fact I’m doing my best to break up the days into manageable chunks dedicated to particular tasks. Mornings belong to the house and the kids. Early afternoon goes to business stuff or outings depending on the day. Evening belongs to the kids. But there is still so much time to fill. I love it. It frightens me. I get so much more done when I have a million things to do.