
Yesterday I discovered that the recent rise in postal rates may have killed our international market. The rates on foreign packages more than doubled. This means that instead of $10 for 1-3 books it now costs $21 for 1-3 books. I suspect our international sales will plummet. This makes me stressed about keeping the ends meeting.

EDIT 6/7/07: I was wrong about the international rates. They only went up a little bit. The mailers we use are now $12 instead of $10. Whew!

Yesterday it was 40 degrees and rainy all day. It felt like March and I wanted to hide from the weather. Each time I looked out the windows I thought about Kiki who is on a youth group camping trip this week. She’s up in the mountains where it is probably snowing. I kept fretting, wondering if we’d packed her enough warm clothes. I really hope that she manages to have fun rather than spending the whole trip miserable.

Yesterday I completely forgot Link’s check up. I remembered it at about 9pm. I rescheduled it for today, but it isn’t like me to completely miss an important appointment. I almost missed cub scouts too, but I scrambled and made that. I still haven’t acclimatized to this summer schedule.

Yesterday I spent a large portion of the day managing our clearance sale orders. But for all the time I spent, we get to keep $250-300 of the money that came in. Howard pointed out that this was probably not the best use of my time which made me grumpy. It made me grumpy because he was right.

So yesterday was a scattered, frequently grumpy, housework avoidance day. It ended well, but I’m hoping today is better.