Denvention Day 5

I am not used to talking to hundreds of different people in a day. All these conversations cover many of the same topics and so I found myself re-using jokes and anecdotes. Some stories got used in almost every conversation. I do this because I it got a good reaction last time and I’m hoping to reap the same return energy. However, over the weekend, conversations begin to blur and I forget who I’ve already told a particular joke. So I find myself halfway through a story, wondering if this person already knows the ending.

At then end of three days of convention, I leave feeling like there is still fun to be had. Part of me is sad to go. After five days I’m pretty burned out. I’ve had a great time, but I’m ready to be back at home. It’ll be nice to be where all the days and all the conversations don’t blur into one long con-warp.

I talked to all of the kids last night. They were all glad to talk to me, except for Gleek. She was too busy watching Avatar on TV. I can tell that they are having fun, but they will be glad to be back at home. We’ll all be together again on Wednesday.

Closing down the booth and packing out went far more quickly than I expected. The dealer’s room closed at 2 pm and we were on the road by 4 pm. We stopped for a dinner at Johnson’s Corner on I-25. Wonderful place, I really recommend it if you are driving between Ft. Collins and Denver.

2 thoughts on “Denvention Day 5”

  1. Re: Avatar

    Anything Miyazaki. Naruto. They started Full Metal Alchemist, but it got too dark for everyone except my oldest. They’re also dabbling in Manga. Mostly Fruits Basket and Pokemon.

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