Delighted. Really.

The kids are delighted to be home. They are expressing that delight by getting out of bed dozens of times, shouting “mooom!” every three minutes, laughing, teasing siblings, squabbling, shrieking, dissolving into tears because I insist that they change into pajamas, flopping about on the floor like helpless little fish, refusing to eat, clinging to me liked over-sized barnacles, and being angry with the world in general. These are children in sore need of regular meal times and bedtimes. I’m not complaining about the care they received at my mother’s house, which was excellent. In fact I have been informed by several children that life would be much better if we could all go back there and stay forever. They want more of the garden of delights, but they need normality. And it is my job to provide it for them whether they want it or not.

I’m starting to remember why it felt like such a blessed relief to only be responsible for myself for 10 days. I’m also starting to realize why Howard was completely wiped out by the end of four days of convention while I was tired, but still had energy to burn. I’ve had years of endurance training. (Also I think Howard runs hotter at conventions and I got more breaks.)

Four more days until school begins. I have four days to wrestle the kids into a sleep schedule that will allow for breakfast and getting dressed before school begins at 8 am. I have four days to stabilize life around here so the transition to school can go smoothly. In good news, Link was transferred to the class of the teacher who already loves him. Also Kiki has been put into the accelerated English/History program so she’ll actually be challenged this year. Now we just have to shift every other class in her schedule around that switch.

4 thoughts on “Delighted. Really.”

  1. good news about Link and Kiki. I hope they get on well.

    I daresay they’ll return to normal pretty quickly, especially once school asserts it’s routine.

  2. Very oceanic metaphors

    in the second sentence. Cool sentence.

    I hope the kids settle down before school starts, and it soes sound like good news about Link and Kiki. Where Gleek and Patch assigned good teachers?

    Uri David Akavia

  3. Re: Very oceanic metaphors

    Hi Uri David. It was nice to meet you at Worldcon.
    Thanks. I liked that second sentence too. Yes, I’m pleased with all the placements for my kids this year.

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