Writing stuff

I think my writer brain is tired. Yesterday I wrote a complete short story for a contest. It was only 750 words, but there was revision involved. Then I did revision on the text for a picture book. Then I did some drafting for another picture book. Then I did some brain storming for another short story. I would really like to write something thoughful and profound for this blog, but apparently my writer brain needs a rest.

At least I downloaded all my LJ entries from last year using LJbook.com. Then I upload them to lulu.com and get them printed as a book. I’ve done this every year since I began blogging in 2004. It is interesting to me that the volume gets thicker every year. The volume for 2008 is over 400 pages long. Apparently I’m fully capable of producing the wordage necessary to a novel. Now I just need to figure out how to string all those words into a coherent fictional plot. Not this year’s project. I don’t have the mental space to tackle a novel this year. I have other projects waiting on me.

And that’s apparently it. I’ve been sitting here and waiting for more words, but they’re not coming. So I guess I’m done for the night.

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