Accounting Day again

Note to self: When you are your own employer that “Christmas Bonus” will mean correspondingly lower funds available for business as usual. Also, when approving large purchases, keep in mind the other large purchases you previously approved, but for which the bills have not yet arrived.

We aren’t in financial trouble, but getting the next Schlock book out is more urgent than it was before December. This makes me sad because it means that Howard will be feeling pressured and stressed. I don’t like having my Howard pressured and stressed. I really need to be doing a better job of managing household resources. Lately I’ve been far too distracted by shiny projects. The projects are delightful and emotionally fulfilling But then tend to involve spending money and energy rather than acquiring it. Maybe it is time for me to scrounge around for stuff we don’t need and have an e-garage sale via ebay.

2 thoughts on “Accounting Day again”

  1. Accounting

    Know the problem, been there, done that. I use an accounting package now and include every item I spend. That means I do not get nasty shocks. You can do it on a spreadsheet too. I do forget some small items but never the big ones. Mind you I am just me with no business to run so it could be more difficult running a business.


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