My head fell off this morning and I haven’t found it yet

It bodes ill for the day when the first coherent thought is a realization that I don’t want to do today at all. In an attempt to account for the desire to huddle in a ball under my covers, I poked around to see what else could cause it. I was rewarded by a cascade of angst both realistic and fanciful. But none of it was new. I knew all of it yesterday and it didn’t bother me so much then. I jellyfished my way through the day. I would do a task if I bumped into it, but I was incapable of focus. Also I lost track of things easily. (Like the fact that I’d volunteered to help bring dinner to a new mother. whoops.) I went out to a late lunch to celebrate a couple of friends’ birthdays and at least three people commented that I seemed vague or tired or something. Belatedly it occurs to me that I may be sick. I was probably a vector at lunch. (lovely. What better way to say happy birthday than passing around a nice rhinovirus.) I still want to curl up into a ball, but instead I need to oversee homework and bedtime.

2 thoughts on “My head fell off this morning and I haven’t found it yet”

  1. *hugs*

    Frustrating how just how easily something can cloud our thinking to the point we don’t even recognize the obvious cause.

    I hope you’re feeling better and it’s just a one-day thing.

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